June 12, 2023

Common Mistakes That Sabotage Breast Milk Production

iMumz Expert Panel
Breast milk is like superfood for your baby. It's really important, and we'll show you how to make sure you have enough of it and that it's good for your little one, whether you're a new mom or already have some experience.
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iMumz Expert Panel
Updated on:
September 28, 2023

1. First Milk - Colostrum

  • In the first two days after birth, your baby needs a special milk called colostrum. It's packed with nutrients.
  • On the third day, you'll start making regular milk, and there will be more of it.
  • Don't worry if it seems like there's not much milk at first. This is completely normal.

2. Your Feelings Matter

  • Your emotions can affect how much milk you make.
  • Try to stay relaxed and happy; avoid getting too stressed or tired.
  • Your mood can also affect how your baby feels during feeding.

3. Eat Right for Good Milk

  • In India, we have some traditional foods that are great for making good milk.
  • Eat things like nuts, seeds, jaggery, and local dishes.
  • Don't forget to drink plenty of clean water; being dehydrated can make your milk less good.

4. Helpful Foods and Herbs

  • Some foods like carrots (they have lots of Vitamin A), apricots, almonds, and walnuts are really healthy for milk.
  • Turmeric and garlic are not just tasty; they have good stuff in them.
  • Cumin seeds, fenugreek, and green leafy veggies are good choices too.

5. Special Mention: Green Papaya

  • Raw papaya is known to make more milk.
  • Mix it with milk and rice, and add some jaggery for sweetness.
  • Stick to your family's recipes for added benefits.

6. Say No to Processed Food

  • Avoid packaged and processed foods; go for fresh, real meals.
  • Use natural stuff like seeds, milk, and dried fruits.

7. Your Feelings Matter (Again)

  • Being happy and not stressed is great for breastfeeding.
  • Make sure you feel happy and relaxed when you feed your baby.

Remember, your milk is like magic for your baby's health. By following these tips, you can make sure it's the best it can be. Stick to our Indian food traditions, eat well, and keep your spirits high. You're a wonderful mom, and you've got this!

1. First Milk - Colostrum

  • In the first two days after birth, your baby needs a special milk called colostrum. It's packed with nutrients.
  • On the third day, you'll start making regular milk, and there will be more of it.
  • Don't worry if it seems like there's not much milk at first. This is completely normal.

2. Your Feelings Matter

  • Your emotions can affect how much milk you make.
  • Try to stay relaxed and happy; avoid getting too stressed or tired.
  • Your mood can also affect how your baby feels during feeding.

3. Eat Right for Good Milk

  • In India, we have some traditional foods that are great for making good milk.
  • Eat things like nuts, seeds, jaggery, and local dishes.
  • Don't forget to drink plenty of clean water; being dehydrated can make your milk less good.

4. Helpful Foods and Herbs

  • Some foods like carrots (they have lots of Vitamin A), apricots, almonds, and walnuts are really healthy for milk.
  • Turmeric and garlic are not just tasty; they have good stuff in them.
  • Cumin seeds, fenugreek, and green leafy veggies are good choices too.

5. Special Mention: Green Papaya

  • Raw papaya is known to make more milk.
  • Mix it with milk and rice, and add some jaggery for sweetness.
  • Stick to your family's recipes for added benefits.

6. Say No to Processed Food

  • Avoid packaged and processed foods; go for fresh, real meals.
  • Use natural stuff like seeds, milk, and dried fruits.

7. Your Feelings Matter (Again)

  • Being happy and not stressed is great for breastfeeding.
  • Make sure you feel happy and relaxed when you feed your baby.

Remember, your milk is like magic for your baby's health. By following these tips, you can make sure it's the best it can be. Stick to our Indian food traditions, eat well, and keep your spirits high. You're a wonderful mom, and you've got this!

June 12, 2023

Common Mistakes That Sabotage Breast Milk Production


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