Garbh Sanskar
Garbh Sanskar
June 12, 2023

Garbh Sanskar: Why Your Unborn Baby MUST Listen to Music

iMumz Expert Panel
Did you know listening to transcendental Indian ragas can make your unborn baby smarter? Learn all about Garbh Sanskar music down below!
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iMumz Expert Panel
Updated on:
February 14, 2023

Did you know music can help in developing your unborn baby’s brain? No, we’re not making this up, it’s true!

Music is not just a tool that helps the mum relax. It has countless benefits more far-reaching than that. It is a rhythmic pattern; the notes are interwoven in a sequence that is very mathematical, and it has an automatically soothing effect on the mind and contributes to the growth of brain connections in your baby.

What are the benefits of Garbh Sanskar music?

Once your baby begins to hear, they begin to learn.

A study was conducted on 9-month-old babies at the University of Washington: with the technology available now, researchers studied the effect of exposure to music on the babies’ brains.

They played waltz music to some babies during playtime, and other babies were left to play without any music. After 12 sessions, they measured the babies’ brain-responses, and the findings were astounding!

Babies that spent their playtime listening to waltz music showed enhanced pattern recognition and could better predict rhythms. What did that mean? It meant they had sharper skills in speech recognition and learning new languages.

Another research was conducted by Europeans scholars in 2013, in which it was found that new-borns could remember lullabies that were played to them in the womb.

To sum it up, music exercises the baby’s brain and improves their memory.

When should a pregnant woman start listening to Garbh Sanskar music?

You can actually start listening to Garbh Sanskar music as soon as you know that you‘re pregnant (even though the baby cannot hear yet). This is because it is beneficial even to the mum. 

Listening to calm melodies reduces anxiety, which in turn diminishes the chances of a low birthweight, a lower head circumference, and a preterm birth. And it also maintains the blood pressure in women with preeclampsia/pregnancy-induced hypertension,

Your unborn baby begins to hear sounds when they’re about 16 weeks old, but these may be unclear and restricted. As in, they can hear your heartbeat… and not much else. This is because their cochlea and middle ear are still developing. 

Your little one truly begins to listen to the outside world when they reach the 23-week mark, thanks to the birth of hair cells that connect with nerves and send sound impulses to the brain.

Your unborn child not only listens, but also reacts. They move to the rhythms of your voice/s and to that of the music. And their cute-little ears become fully developed 35-weeks into the pregnancy.

How should you play Garbh Sanskar music?

It is not recommended to place headphones on the belly as the amniotic fluid could possibly amplify the sounds. But if you do opt for it, maintain the volume between 50-60 decibels (i.e., the volume of a normal conversation) and do not play for an hour or more.

As an alternative, try using speakers (again, maintain the volume) or better yet, your own beautiful voice!

What type of Garbh Sanskar music should a pregnant woman play?

Avoid loud and aggressive music like rock and metal, as prolonged exposure to higher frequencies can potentially cause hearing loss and stress in your little one.

Try listening to soothing melodies like Indian ragas that give you and the baby a sense of calm. 

Different ragas have different benefits, and here are a few you must consider:

Raga Jaunpuri

The calming waves of this raga heals the mind with positive reverberations and rejuvenates the body, making sure the mum stays up-to-date with their daily transformations. It acts as a mental vacation and relaxes the systems, and ensures they work diligently in the development of the little one.

Raga Madhmad

This raga enforces and strengthens the already unbreakable bond between you and the baby. It is playful, uplifting, and fills your body with nothing but love and compassion. And the happiness that the mum experiences acts on the baby’s centre of joy in the brain, eventually giving birth to a kind and loving child.

Raga Bairagi

It facilitates the heart’s functioning, allowing it to pump more blood for the baby. 

And also, do you know how to connect with the cosmos? Or rather, the Brahma?

Through music.

Your womb is the cosmos of your little one. And this raga deepens the bond with your baby.

Raga Todi

Similar to raga Jaunpuri, this also helps in reducing stress. It will transport the mum to a place of peace and quiet: pure serenity. And when you’ve achieved a calm state of mind, you can better manage and cope with hormonal changes in your body. 

Raga Komal Asavari

This awesome raga helps the mum to fight off psychological disorders by reducing stress and anxiety. And it also helps in building confidence, which gives the baby’s centre of intelligence a massive boost, making them bolder, stronger, and smarter!

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to start your unborn baby’s Garbh Sanskar journey, now!

Did you know music can help in developing your unborn baby’s brain? No, we’re not making this up, it’s true!

Music is not just a tool that helps the mum relax. It has countless benefits more far-reaching than that. It is a rhythmic pattern; the notes are interwoven in a sequence that is very mathematical, and it has an automatically soothing effect on the mind and contributes to the growth of brain connections in your baby.

What are the benefits of Garbh Sanskar music?

Once your baby begins to hear, they begin to learn.

A study was conducted on 9-month-old babies at the University of Washington: with the technology available now, researchers studied the effect of exposure to music on the babies’ brains.

They played waltz music to some babies during playtime, and other babies were left to play without any music. After 12 sessions, they measured the babies’ brain-responses, and the findings were astounding!

Babies that spent their playtime listening to waltz music showed enhanced pattern recognition and could better predict rhythms. What did that mean? It meant they had sharper skills in speech recognition and learning new languages.

Another research was conducted by Europeans scholars in 2013, in which it was found that new-borns could remember lullabies that were played to them in the womb.

To sum it up, music exercises the baby’s brain and improves their memory.

When should a pregnant woman start listening to Garbh Sanskar music?

You can actually start listening to Garbh Sanskar music as soon as you know that you‘re pregnant (even though the baby cannot hear yet). This is because it is beneficial even to the mum. 

Listening to calm melodies reduces anxiety, which in turn diminishes the chances of a low birthweight, a lower head circumference, and a preterm birth. And it also maintains the blood pressure in women with preeclampsia/pregnancy-induced hypertension,

Your unborn baby begins to hear sounds when they’re about 16 weeks old, but these may be unclear and restricted. As in, they can hear your heartbeat… and not much else. This is because their cochlea and middle ear are still developing. 

Your little one truly begins to listen to the outside world when they reach the 23-week mark, thanks to the birth of hair cells that connect with nerves and send sound impulses to the brain.

Your unborn child not only listens, but also reacts. They move to the rhythms of your voice/s and to that of the music. And their cute-little ears become fully developed 35-weeks into the pregnancy.

How should you play Garbh Sanskar music?

It is not recommended to place headphones on the belly as the amniotic fluid could possibly amplify the sounds. But if you do opt for it, maintain the volume between 50-60 decibels (i.e., the volume of a normal conversation) and do not play for an hour or more.

As an alternative, try using speakers (again, maintain the volume) or better yet, your own beautiful voice!

What type of Garbh Sanskar music should a pregnant woman play?

Avoid loud and aggressive music like rock and metal, as prolonged exposure to higher frequencies can potentially cause hearing loss and stress in your little one.

Try listening to soothing melodies like Indian ragas that give you and the baby a sense of calm. 

Different ragas have different benefits, and here are a few you must consider:

Raga Jaunpuri

The calming waves of this raga heals the mind with positive reverberations and rejuvenates the body, making sure the mum stays up-to-date with their daily transformations. It acts as a mental vacation and relaxes the systems, and ensures they work diligently in the development of the little one.

Raga Madhmad

This raga enforces and strengthens the already unbreakable bond between you and the baby. It is playful, uplifting, and fills your body with nothing but love and compassion. And the happiness that the mum experiences acts on the baby’s centre of joy in the brain, eventually giving birth to a kind and loving child.

Raga Bairagi

It facilitates the heart’s functioning, allowing it to pump more blood for the baby. 

And also, do you know how to connect with the cosmos? Or rather, the Brahma?

Through music.

Your womb is the cosmos of your little one. And this raga deepens the bond with your baby.

Raga Todi

Similar to raga Jaunpuri, this also helps in reducing stress. It will transport the mum to a place of peace and quiet: pure serenity. And when you’ve achieved a calm state of mind, you can better manage and cope with hormonal changes in your body. 

Raga Komal Asavari

This awesome raga helps the mum to fight off psychological disorders by reducing stress and anxiety. And it also helps in building confidence, which gives the baby’s centre of intelligence a massive boost, making them bolder, stronger, and smarter!

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to start your unborn baby’s Garbh Sanskar journey, now!

Garbh Sanskar
June 12, 2023

Garbh Sanskar: Why Your Unborn Baby MUST Listen to Music

iMumz Expert Panel

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